Monday, December 10, 2007

I didn't make it to 6 months

Ok.. I know I haven't been on here in like 5 months or more! I lot of things have transpired since then. E dub had another little one! He putting it down, down there in H-Town!! Umm.. Z passed the bar! Yea... we got a lawyer in the family! I went from one corporate American job to another one. Is it all the same?? We'll see, but I hope not. Everytime I call Sharreda she's out kickin it somewhere!! She definitely finding her notes. (See below) I'm still a "Gray Day" fan, Mirianda still holding it down on the show. Today...was not a good day:-( The Titans lost in overtime to SanD... after all the smack I talked. Then Desperate Housewives (dag writers strike!) didn't come on. Hey, you can say what you want but that' good Sunday entertainment, besides Soulful Sundays'.

Anyway, I was blessd enough to go and see someone who has been influential in my life in an indirect way a week ago. STEVIE WONDER! I can't say enough on how great the show was! He did a three hour non-stop show and the sound was perfect! I told myself that if I had the opportunity to see him again in person I would take advantage of it. I'm going to try to attach a few (cam phone) pictures! LOL! Me singing< - - Love's... in ...need... of Love today...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

H -Town

In continuation of my birthday celebration, I decided to take a weekend trip to the H-Town. For those of you that don't know ... Houston, the 4th largest city in the states. I knew from the beginning that it was going to be an interesting trip. I almost didn't make it, trying to get chopped up real fast at the barbershop. You know a brother couldn't go all raggedy... But I made the flight...barely! Since I got there late... no first class:-( That's aight cause I moved from the back of the bus LOL! "see other posts". But I'm on the airplane and we begin to push back and I hear this noise.... "Hum... what was that?" Must be nothing... So I close my eyes again cause I'm tired.... [noise] "Uaguaghhh!" "What the ^*$#%# is that!!" So I turn around, you know... all conspicuously and peep over the back seat...there was this...mentally challenged person behind me. Aww lawd...please don't let me have to go into Air Marshall mode!! All I could think of was his @ss was gon get up and cause a major disturbance! Even though he kept making disturbance... I didn't get any sleep though:-(

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Party Like a Rock Star...

Ok.. not quite totally....(dudes & dudettes). I celebrated the first day of my life for another year. For you all not quite getting it.... MY BIRTHDAY!! (Part I) It was sort of a spare of the moment deal since my actual birthday falls on a Tuesday. So I was out and said hey... let's start celebrating my birthday. I figure I can do both weekends. Hopefully I'll be in NYC or Miami, Houston OR Albuquerque! (*inside joke:) We had fun...I'm not sure if I need a disclaimer to go with the pictures... but here they are. I'm not going to say much, I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Pen & a Paper...

Ok.. here is an excert of the book Fences... Long/Mid-Long term project. Lemme know what you think...

"From the back of the bus to first class"

Walking thru security, Colton was noticing all the people around him. The airport was moderately crowed today. He turned to his right and there were families who looked like they were going on vacations. They were dressed in jeans; khaki shorts colorful t-shirts and Birkenstock sandals. Most of the kids came pre-packaged with ipods and/or psps. One kid who looked like he was about 12 or 13 years old was complaining to his mom about not getting the new Mayhem in Manhattan II video game. "geez mom you never get me anything I want!" Colton thought to himself... If I'd ever said that to my mom the first thing she would say is. "Do you like to breathe?" Well if you WANT to keep breathing I suggest you shut it up. Or else I can make that happen! There was this older guy in front of him who obviously had never flown or acted as he hadn't since 9-11. He complained about the long lines, all the security and having to take off his shoes. "Sir we need to scan your hat as well" they told him. My kangol?? What, do you think I'm smuggin a kangaroo underneath it? He put the hat and his cane in the gray bin and walked thru grumbling... "ya know ima vetren... Colton just smiled as the old guy walked in front of him with a slight limp thru security. The TSA agent asked Colton for his boarding pass and I'D. When Colton showed it him the agent gave him a funny look with a smerk...”thank you sir" he said to Colton. He walked thru, grabbed his briefcase and PDA and began walking to the gate.
Since there was a little time before boarding, he decided look for something to eat to tide him over until the flight. Would it be Nathan's home of the worlds best "NY" hotdogs or this Asian place called Kim Chow, that in addition to Asian food, sold soul food as well? Come... You like we have best bbq in NY. Colton thought to himself...I'm from the time we are two years old we are BBQ critics. There was this old family joke about how one of his uncles learned how to walk. Rumor has it, every time they tried to teach his uncle blue to walk he would do nothing. One day they had some Interstate BBQ spaghetti and as grandma Netta took it out the bag the container fell on the floor. They said that uncle Blue got off all fours and walked so fast to it they didn't have time to finish up packing. And he was walking and eating BBQ every since!

The First Breath

They say everyday is the first day of your life.
A monumental milestone occurred when my daughter graduated high school May 26th. I've never felt so proud, preen even, in my life. Seeing her walk up the steps after graduation was an indescribable feeling. I know you've heard it before... but for seems like it was just yesterday she was in her car seat on the backseat of the Escort Station wagon. LOL! That's for another blog! Even when I'm driving not the Wagon, I can still just sometimes see her in the back, in her car seat...still just as observant and quiet as she is today. Now I'm trying to teach her how to drive! Maybe her first car should be a wagon....?? Humm..??
We had so much fun at the graduation party. It was at the Civil Rights Museum, what better place to have it? Gives me a flash back of when I was pledging...They said I looked like a Civil Rights marcher and started calling me "We shall overcome" for a small period of time. But, that's a different blog also! Anyway, I wanted to make sure she had fun...and it really appeared that she did. I hope she keps the memories for a lifetime. I am especially going to remember dancning with her...even though she was reluctant at first! I want to thank all the family and friends who showed up and celebrated with us. I am grateful for each and every person that was there and for those who could not attend. And to my daughter as you take your second breath...I say to you "Work hard, have fun and fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run."

Monday, May 28, 2007

G.D Answers & Questions

Is Burk coming back?? Is McDreamy going to be Chief? Is George going to repeat his intern year?? The Grays Anatomy season finally answered some important and long standing questions and left with a equal blend of questions. I was impressed with the writing, direction and most of all the the use of the Chief's (Webber) interaction and quasi narration through out the show. Back to the questions. Was the anathematizing of George moral retribution for what occurred between him and Izzie. Is he leaving the show in real life?? It appears to me that he may be a drama queen, no pun intended, for going on talk shows talking about how he was called this and that... by Isaiah Washington (Burk). Anyway, I think the chief is going to step down... he really needs his wife, which is sad. It's NOT sad that he needs his wife... it's sad that I believe after possibly the best overall GD (Gray Day) show which featured him, his narrative skills and acting abilities that he could possibly leave the show. Hope he doesn't....
I think next year there are going to be some things.. big things in store for Miranda (The Nazi)... just got this feeling...humm...
The pinnacle of the show was of course... The Wedding... Burk walked down the aisle with more confidence and assurance than Denzel Washington in Malcomb X! He made some remarkable speeches during the last episode, both showing his range of "being sure" about Christina.
At the end of the day he was right... she wasn't "sure" and he knew it. The vowels never should have been on paper... they are in the heart. I'm not sure she knew it until he was gone. But that's usually how it happens... they never know... until they are gone.
I'm looking forward to next season... maybe I'll have T-Vo by then. I'll see. Until then I'll be shaking the remote and setting the VCR.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Results Show MIM Style

And voted off the show is..... Wendy Thomas!!

Back from the break... the results are in... 3-6 did their thing Friday night and all, for the most part all went well. There was no cursing... calling women B's & H's... or guns and grenades on the stage. I was a lil disappointed there no spinners:-( The crowd was off the chain! There was pushin, shovin, Buck jumpin (memphis talk), beer throwing, grills gleaming and breast showings! All this from our Caucasian (90% of the crowd) brothers and sisters. So was I correct in my original assessment?? I'll let you view for your self.

On another note:

Corrinne Bailey Rae and John Legend held it down. I still have to pick up her CD. She had some real nice songs. She even had one that had somewhat of an hip hop beat in it. For all of you in the Memphis area...stay tuned...something tells me she is going to be back later this year...hum..:-?

I have to admit I was not a John Legend fan at first... He kept on trying to sing Stevie Wonder songs and I was why is Christopher Williams lil cousin jacking up Stevie Songs. I finally got a hold of his CS where he was singing his own stuff and it was cool. The CD was actually worth buying...did I buy it?? Anyway, he puts on a good show. I would go see him again. He and CB Rae did a duet together during his show. Was it "If This World Were Mine??" Can't remember... still trying to get that MIM smell out of my head! ~Ackkkk~....

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

We shall over come..ur ome... We shall overcome someday...
Can you see Wendy Thomas on Beale St with her picket signs and bull-horn singing..."We shall overcome..?" protesting 3-6 Mafia being in Memphis In May?? Can I... nope! That's because she is not true to her cause. IF she was really passionate about not wanting 3-6 Mafia to perform this weekend she would do something more drastic than write a few words in the Commercial Appeal(CA). Background info: She is a newspaper columnist who writes for the CA, which is a sometimes borderline, questionable racially bias newspaper. What really is her motivation? Did she get called a few names in the sandbox when she was a child? Or is she simply writing what big brother wants to see?? In my best "Corporate" voice... "Yea.. and that Gangster Music Rap is ruining the good kids and communities!" Who buys almost, if not at least half of Rap Music today?? People other than people of color. That's when it became an "epidemic." After track practice one day, when I was in high school, I was walking home and this SUV rolls past me bumpin some 2 Live Crew, so I turn around to see who it was and it was this Caucasian family! I swear it looked like Tom, Mary Beth, two kids and all... I thought I was imagining it!! Now you can almost guarantee to see some them playing some Rap making the block around Beale. I'll be short: Aberration... don't let them get focus off the real issue. Music is entertainment. If you are going to stop musical entertainers from saying certain words, then you should stop motion picture entertainers from making certain pictures. Are there any movies of men beating women? Calling women explicit names? WOMEN BEATING MEN?? If your mind is so debilitated that you let your music determine your actions... get some medication and re balance or don't listen to "Gangsta Rap" watch violent movies and start your Rock collection.

Word of the day: Aberration

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

If Marvin were here...

Mother, mother, there's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother, there's far too many of you dying
You know we'ver got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today, hey
Father, father, we don't need to escalate
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today
Can you hear him...? I can
There has been so much going on in April, it makes a brother literally want to step back and say... "What's Going On??"
Everyday, every hour the news talks about the John Ford corruption trial, the Preachers Wife (Mary Winkler) murder trial and then they sprinkle in the new murders , shootings and burglaries of the day. I guess Ford got a little too arrogant for them. Yes I agree... he was arrogant but remove that arrogance and focus on the act... how many others have done what he did?
There is definitely a trend in Memphis. Not only are our youth under the microscope but our elected officials as well. Is it a coincidence that Memphis is the heaviest, and I say that figurative speaking, politically black city in the nation? I try not to comment much on politics... but I think some of our politicians have lost sight and become complacent. In fact our people have lost sight and become complacent. It's true, politicians are servants of the people and we are getting what we put in by the people that put them in... How did we, and I say this holistically speaking, allow the murderer of Mickey Wright to get a plea bargain for only a 15 year sentence. According to an Attorney I know, and I won't reveal my sources, since that is "state" time he may only do a third of that sentence..."What's going on?" Do we have too many lawyers in the system?? Do we have too many timorous statesmen in our system?
I got my NAACP letter in the mail saying that a Federal Investigation will be launched re: the Mickey Wright trial. I'll keep you posted.
My heart and prayers go out to the families, loved ones and friends of the Virgina Tech family. Anyone connected in one form or another... son, daughter, faculty, staff and administration is considered family. I could not imagine what they must be going thru. It is a sad tragedy that must be perplexing. Could this have been avoided?? Where there people out there who saw this coming...? Who knows? Now we should keep them in our prayers and hope they find the strength to come together and grow in spite of.
On a different note:
The word of the day is "Timorous"
New Amorous Drink: Chocolate Martini

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

That's how they bounced...

Gotta first of all give a shout out to the SEC. Congrats to the Lady Vols and Florida Gators for winning the National Championships!! I'ma have to call up my girl Candace Parker and congratulate her. Humm... I wonder if Pat Summitt will be interested in coaching the Grizzlies AND Candace is interested in playing for the Grizzlies!!

I did wil the office bracket in the men's tournament!! Even though I picked OSU to take it all I still had more points than everyone else! Yea... I got a few hidden talents. Gotta shout out to Greg Oden and Mike Conley Jr. for doing their things! G.O. You represented! See you in the NBA next year... I'm predicting a top 5 lottery pick. For real I heard the Grizzlies are trying to court Billy Donavan. What would be the odds if we got him AND Oden in the same year??

Word of the day - (m) Pulchritude

Ahh... The 7th Inning Stretch

Sup fam... This past weekend I was fortunate enough to experience and be a part of the Inagural MLB National Civil Rights Game held in Memphis, TN. It was truly a divergent experience especially since I was never a baseball fan. I guess I am part of the Black community that has gravitated towards Football and Basketball. At the forum, they raised several questions. The main one being why is MLB only 9% Black or African American. I guess Golf & Hockey is next, followed by NASCAR. If a brother can have a system and some dubs....wonder if that would change things?? You could get extra points for having the most tricked out ride! Or Race on Hydraulics!! Back to the subject... I think it's really a cyclical occurrence. When we are young, the people in our neighborhoods don't promote baseball. Then as we get older we see the cool guys playing Basketball and see all the Videos with "ballers" on it. Does Jigga need to do a Video with the Yankees?? Speaking of NYC, I got to give it up to Spike Lee for always promoting sports. I was fortunate enough to meet him and even have a brief conversation with him. I asked him when was he going to turn School Daze into a Broadway play. I think we are going to work on it. Z, you gon be Gammite #1. There were several baseball exec's and a few retired players there also. It was a humbling experience. I got to pay homage to those players like Jackie Robinson who endured so much so today we have an option to play in, manage and own ML baseball teams. Wrapping this up... I got to give a shout out to Lynn Witfield and Uncle Charlie (Charlie Wilson) who were also a part of the festivities. I didn't say anything to Lynn.... She played that part( A Thin Line) a lil too good for me! Charlie Wilson was good... he sang (yes sang) all the old Gap Band stuff and a few of his new tracks. He put on a good show, even though he tired to call me in front of everyone.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

MIM - Whos Hot...

Can wait till she comes to Memphis In May… I’m really feeling her music and style right now. It’s refreshing. She has a unique voice. Doesn’t hurt that she is very pulchritudinous either…Geez.. She almost reminds me of someone... Check Corinne Bailey Rae out when you get the chance.
The Memphis In May Music Fest is going to be from May 4th - 6th. Other people that are going to be there include John Legend, Project Pat (Noorf), 3-6 Mafia, The Ohio Players (break out those leisure suits:), The North Mississippi All Stars. Did I spell that right?? M, I crooked letter...) and the Bar Kays.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Save What They Built

Below is an article from The Chronicle of Higher Education regarding the financial woes of LeMoyne Owen College. As we all know, LOC has been struggling in years past to cover it's debts. In fact my first college paper, which I still have, was entitled "LeMoyne Owen College, How Will It Keep It's Doors Open?" My paper wasn't so much focused on LOC then, but HBCU'S as a whole and their struggles to survive. Many of them struggled because of lack of community support. It doesn't matter if you attend LOC or not, what we have to realize is that LOC is a vital part of the Memphis community and it needs our support. It is going to be up to us, native Memphian or transplant to "Save What They Built." It doesn't matter what you donate, as long as you donate something. Thanks

Friday, March 02, 2007

Why do we shake the remote to make it work?

Ok... I was a lil p'terred that Grays Anatomy was a rerun today. I keep saying that I'ma write Shonda (the writer) one day. She doing her thing in Hollywood, big props to you Shonda if you happen to read this one day. Hey, you should create a show about Accountants! We got all these Doctor, Lawyer shows... I say it's time we get some Accountant shows up in here!! Don't think it'll be interesting?? Let the IRS come Audit you like they did James Brown(RIP) and Wesley Snipes. I'll be a Zulu Accountant hunting Wesley down in Africa! Back to Gray Day. Is the show really that good or is it all the associated drama? I mean, yea Burk may have called the guy Gay... but does that really warrant going to rehab? Then I heard that Eddie Murphy got mad cause he didn't win the Grammy. How many of you all saw Norbit? Man that's why he didn't win. I'm still mad about the Color Purple...
Anyway...I'm going to the store... gotta get new batteries...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Is it 07' Already?

I can't believe it's 2007... The last time I was on here was sometime in 2006, maybe October or November. A lot has taken place since then... then again a few things have remained the same. I'm still flying here and there every now & then and still trying to make a buck off of real estate. In other words, still trying to make a dollar out of .15 cents. I said I was going to do better about blogging and transferring my thoughts to this cyber newsletter. I got to give a big shout out to Z for graduating from Law School. Be sure to check his blog out at spikezee.blogspot. He got some heavy st Z, I'm sure you did well on your bar exam. A bro. was praying for you. We need a lawyer in the family... especially Beta Xi! You know they gon be hitting you up!