Monday, December 10, 2007

I didn't make it to 6 months

Ok.. I know I haven't been on here in like 5 months or more! I lot of things have transpired since then. E dub had another little one! He putting it down, down there in H-Town!! Umm.. Z passed the bar! Yea... we got a lawyer in the family! I went from one corporate American job to another one. Is it all the same?? We'll see, but I hope not. Everytime I call Sharreda she's out kickin it somewhere!! She definitely finding her notes. (See below) I'm still a "Gray Day" fan, Mirianda still holding it down on the show. Today...was not a good day:-( The Titans lost in overtime to SanD... after all the smack I talked. Then Desperate Housewives (dag writers strike!) didn't come on. Hey, you can say what you want but that' good Sunday entertainment, besides Soulful Sundays'.

Anyway, I was blessd enough to go and see someone who has been influential in my life in an indirect way a week ago. STEVIE WONDER! I can't say enough on how great the show was! He did a three hour non-stop show and the sound was perfect! I told myself that if I had the opportunity to see him again in person I would take advantage of it. I'm going to try to attach a few (cam phone) pictures! LOL! Me singing< - - Love's... in ...need... of Love today...


Anonymous said...

No New Year's update? What are you doing with your time?

Goldnjon said... and more work. Still working now as I type. (10:06pm) Year End:-(