Sunday, March 11, 2007

MIM - Whos Hot...

Can wait till she comes to Memphis In May… I’m really feeling her music and style right now. It’s refreshing. She has a unique voice. Doesn’t hurt that she is very pulchritudinous either…Geez.. She almost reminds me of someone... Check Corinne Bailey Rae out when you get the chance.
The Memphis In May Music Fest is going to be from May 4th - 6th. Other people that are going to be there include John Legend, Project Pat (Noorf), 3-6 Mafia, The Ohio Players (break out those leisure suits:), The North Mississippi All Stars. Did I spell that right?? M, I crooked letter...) and the Bar Kays.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Save What They Built

Below is an article from The Chronicle of Higher Education regarding the financial woes of LeMoyne Owen College. As we all know, LOC has been struggling in years past to cover it's debts. In fact my first college paper, which I still have, was entitled "LeMoyne Owen College, How Will It Keep It's Doors Open?" My paper wasn't so much focused on LOC then, but HBCU'S as a whole and their struggles to survive. Many of them struggled because of lack of community support. It doesn't matter if you attend LOC or not, what we have to realize is that LOC is a vital part of the Memphis community and it needs our support. It is going to be up to us, native Memphian or transplant to "Save What They Built." It doesn't matter what you donate, as long as you donate something. Thanks

Friday, March 02, 2007

Why do we shake the remote to make it work?

Ok... I was a lil p'terred that Grays Anatomy was a rerun today. I keep saying that I'ma write Shonda (the writer) one day. She doing her thing in Hollywood, big props to you Shonda if you happen to read this one day. Hey, you should create a show about Accountants! We got all these Doctor, Lawyer shows... I say it's time we get some Accountant shows up in here!! Don't think it'll be interesting?? Let the IRS come Audit you like they did James Brown(RIP) and Wesley Snipes. I'll be a Zulu Accountant hunting Wesley down in Africa! Back to Gray Day. Is the show really that good or is it all the associated drama? I mean, yea Burk may have called the guy Gay... but does that really warrant going to rehab? Then I heard that Eddie Murphy got mad cause he didn't win the Grammy. How many of you all saw Norbit? Man that's why he didn't win. I'm still mad about the Color Purple...
Anyway...I'm going to the store... gotta get new batteries...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Is it 07' Already?

I can't believe it's 2007... The last time I was on here was sometime in 2006, maybe October or November. A lot has taken place since then... then again a few things have remained the same. I'm still flying here and there every now & then and still trying to make a buck off of real estate. In other words, still trying to make a dollar out of .15 cents. I said I was going to do better about blogging and transferring my thoughts to this cyber newsletter. I got to give a big shout out to Z for graduating from Law School. Be sure to check his blog out at spikezee.blogspot. He got some heavy st Z, I'm sure you did well on your bar exam. A bro. was praying for you. We need a lawyer in the family... especially Beta Xi! You know they gon be hitting you up!