Monday, February 04, 2008

The Life of Jazz

The Life of Jazz

Jazz and life go hand in hand.
Jazz is a myriad of sounds, various instruments, tones and notes expressing a single theme, finding your voice.
With all of the complexities of life, rules, laws and social standards, we have an internal passion to find our niche, express ourselves, to become one in a world of billions...simple to find our voice.
Out of chaos comes calmness. Out of a seemingly unrecognizable quartet with different elements you realize there is a central theme and every note is real and relative.
Every person has a purpose, a reason for being. It’s not just to make unorganized noise but to find that stream of harmony that synchronizes with others. Your voice, your note is real but it is up to you to realize and play your tune as only you know how to play it. It may change from time to time, different counts, measures, beats and tones. It is still yours and only yours...soft and loud, slow and fast, dynamic and reclusive...can your hear it?
What is your voice?

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