Friday, March 02, 2007

Why do we shake the remote to make it work?

Ok... I was a lil p'terred that Grays Anatomy was a rerun today. I keep saying that I'ma write Shonda (the writer) one day. She doing her thing in Hollywood, big props to you Shonda if you happen to read this one day. Hey, you should create a show about Accountants! We got all these Doctor, Lawyer shows... I say it's time we get some Accountant shows up in here!! Don't think it'll be interesting?? Let the IRS come Audit you like they did James Brown(RIP) and Wesley Snipes. I'll be a Zulu Accountant hunting Wesley down in Africa! Back to Gray Day. Is the show really that good or is it all the associated drama? I mean, yea Burk may have called the guy Gay... but does that really warrant going to rehab? Then I heard that Eddie Murphy got mad cause he didn't win the Grammy. How many of you all saw Norbit? Man that's why he didn't win. I'm still mad about the Color Purple...
Anyway...I'm going to the store... gotta get new batteries...


The Wright File said...

Is there anyone who is concerned about the low rate of graduation and the high rate of violence in Memphis and Shelby County schools? Are any of us ready to do something?

Goldnjon said...

Some talk the talk... few walk the walk... We all need to take a few steps...