Mother, mother, there's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother, there's far too many of you dying
You know we'ver got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today, hey
Father, father, we don't need to escalate
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today
Can you hear him...? I can
There has been so much going on in April, it makes a brother literally want to step back and say... "What's Going On??"
Everyday, every hour the news talks about the John Ford corruption trial, the Preachers Wife (Mary Winkler) murder trial and then they sprinkle in the new murders , shootings and burglaries of the day. I guess Ford got a little too arrogant for them. Yes I agree... he was arrogant but remove that arrogance and focus on the act... how many others have done what he did?
There is definitely a trend in Memphis. Not only are our youth under the microscope but our elected officials as well. Is it a coincidence that Memphis is the heaviest, and I say that figurative speaking, politically black city in the nation? I try not to comment much on politics... but I think some of our politicians have lost sight and become complacent. In fact our people have lost sight and become complacent. It's true, politicians are servants of the people and we are getting what we put in by the people that put them in... How did we, and I say this holistically speaking, allow the murderer of Mickey Wright to get a plea bargain for only a 15 year sentence. According to an Attorney I know, and I won't reveal my sources, since that is "state" time he may only do a third of that sentence..."What's going on?" Do we have too many lawyers in the system?? Do we have too many timorous statesmen in our system?
I got my NAACP letter in the mail saying that a Federal Investigation will be launched re: the Mickey Wright trial. I'll keep you posted.
My heart and prayers go out to the families, loved ones and friends of the Virgina Tech family. Anyone connected in one form or another... son, daughter, faculty, staff and administration is considered family. I could not imagine what they must be going thru. It is a sad tragedy that must be perplexing. Could this have been avoided?? Where there people out there who saw this coming...? Who knows? Now we should keep them in our prayers and hope they find the strength to come together and grow in spite of.
On a different note:
The word of the day is "Timorous"
New Amorous Drink: Chocolate Martini