Sunday, August 10, 2008

On the set with Berniw Mac

On the set with Bernie Mac

Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of being on the set of the up coming movie Soul Men. The movie stars Samuel Jackson and of course Bernie Mack. The movie is about two estranged soul singing legends that reunite after 20 years. I had the opportunity of filming two days with him. Of course I was star struck at first. There was Sharon Leal, Affion Crockett, Samuel Jackson and of course Bernie Mack. I have to admit, I didn’t know who Affion Crockett was at first and we were just talking and laughing. Sorry, I don’t watch much BET.
It was a little cool on the set in downtown Memphis. Plus we were out there for 12 hours! We would be in the lobby of the Peabody, and then we would come outside when they needed us. While we were in the lobby, it was there I first got to talk to Bernie Mac. Yes, he was funny but he was also very down to earth. He wasn’t pretentious at all. Like I said earlier, it was a lil chilly while filming so Bernie Mac would wear his coat outside and have it removed right before the film started to role. Samuel Jackson would do the JIT method. Come out just in time for the film to role! This one particular time we were standing there waiting on the directors and Samuel had already made it known it was cold out there! (in vintage fashion) We were all standing there in our positions in the cold… I was shivering; Samuel was frowning and Bernie Mac bust out singing James Brown’s song. “Please Don’t Go” It was a true Ice Breaker. It was funny, it was right on time, and it was classic Bernie Mac.
Thanks for the advice and conversation, and thanks for making the world easier to deal with.

Rest in Peace Bernie Mack
